Friday, March 04, 2011

Quick Semi-Dry Whole Mung Curry

I lolled around and did not really want to go to office on a very 'lazy-in-my-bones' Friday. Once I'd hoisted myself to the kitchen, I realized that I'd 35 min before I'd miss my AS 302 bus to office!

I'd soaked the mung yesterday before I dozed off. I would have preferred a few more hours of soaking or perhaps even the beginnings of sprouting would work as well... All I had in the fridge apart from this was a single tomato...

I put together some whole spices (shah jeera, badi elaichi, dal chini, and laung). Why shah jeera? Well, I am out of jeera since I'd ground the last bit to make jeera powder... Ahem!

 The tomato quickly got chopped while the oil warmed in the pan. 

Everything but the mung went into the pan for a quick sizzle...

I added a little haldi and some garlic paste as an after thought and stirred till the vinegary smell went away from the garlic paste.

I added the mung and then covered the pan and let everything cook while I ran around and got ready to leave. I opened the pan and gritted my teeth when I realized that the mung still had a while to cook...

I added a little water and then scanned the newspaper headlines and paced around.

Finally with the mung, just about done I put it in my Tupperware lunch dabba and ran out of the house...  

1 comment:

  1. I looked at the uncooked mung and thought of a Koshimbir / snack kind of thing I make in summers. Lightly steam mung or not. Then add finely chopped kaakadi to it. lemon juice, finely chopped green chillies, coriander and salt to taste. Feels really refreshing in summer.
    It is not summer here yet. may be that's why I am dreaming of summer recipes. lol.
    You can put dahi instead of lemon juice btw. even better.
